

Hello, my name is Hector, I am a video game player who has always been fascinated with video games of all types. I remember when i was a kid, maybe about 10 years old, always wanting an atari. Back then, I asked my grandma to buy it for me, but I understood it was a little over budget for any one of my parents. When I turned 15 I decided to get a job and buy me one, but then, the Nintendos were the hottest thing to get. It wasn't long untill I got me a minimum wage job.

I was also going to school at that time, and of course I kept all the money I earned. Finally I did buy my Nintendo Entertaintment System(NES). It was fun, playing Mario bros, I played it till finally got bored of it. I can't remember how many times I got to the end and rescued the Princess from Browser, but I know were a lot.

I did buy more games later on, but that is how started to get this addiction for video games. Anything here will be about video games, and mostly PSP related, the greatest I have played and recent hot new games on the market.

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