
Post Request Rules

1. Must be PSP related topic. (PSPs, games, accessories, media, rumors, news, etc.)
2. At least 200 words, not including your links. (understandable English)
3. Must be clean content. (no porn, no hate, etc.)
4. Maximum of 5 links per post request.
5. Must be original content. (not copied from another site)

Send me an email request of your post, and write subject: PSP GAM Post request.
I will gladly put your post on this blog. Include attachments in word format preferably, and pictures if any(jpeg, tiff, etc.)

At this time, there is no limit to post requests you can send, but will probably modify later on.

I will revise your post before it is published. I hold the right not to publish any content I see not fit to PSP Games And Media blog.

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