
PSP: Capcom Puzzle World (Review)

I got to be honest, and I heard about this game over the internet. Looked it up, and found out that one of the games included was Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo. That is the main reason I looked for this game, and really not interested on the other games that were added here. Well yea, Buster Brothers is interesting, but not so much as Puzzle Fighter!

If you haven’t played Puzzle Fighter already, I do urge you to do so. It is great invention by Capcom. The levels are great and challenging, the graphics are cool and shiny. I especially like the chibi Street Fighters and Darkstakers characters on it. One and I think the best feature for this game is the options on how you can choose to play. For example, puzzle type X, Y, or Z.

Type X, is where the most skill and thinking is required to beat your opponent, and I would say it is the hardest when you play the computer, and type Y is the easiest and the more fun for me. I think because not so much skill is required here, but have to depend on luck and the computer I guess takes it easy on you, even if you choose to play the hard mode. Type Z, I rarely play it, but it looks similar to Ultimate Block Party. If you have already played it, you would know.

Overall this is an excellent puzzle game that wont disappoint puzzle gamers. I recommend it much ^_^

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