
PSP: Echochrome (Review)

Don’t know the meaning of the word Echochrome, but the PSP game Echochrome is really out of the ordinary when it comes to puzzles games.

If you love thinking games, this will definitely bring you happiness. As for me, it is a good game when I am on the back seat of the car driving away for a day of picnic. I can’t say I am a puzzle gamer, but this definitely was one of my likings. These are my reasons for saying so:

  1. The graphics are not state of the art, and don’t need to be, because it focuses more on how your brain works.
  2. The sound of the woman emits an echo, and makes you me think we are the watchers and above all characters.
  3. Not many games have the concept of instead of controlling a character in an environment; you control the environment and not the character.

Game play goal is for you to control the environment; connect the character with the right path, and follow the rule of “what you see becomes truth”.

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