
PSP: Puzzle Guzzle (Review)

Now this is just my opinion, and I think that after playing this game you will want to lock it in a dark isolated room and forget about the key. Well, it was fun for about a day or less or so, but I would not buy this game if I had 20 dollars on me.

The game play got interesting though, I did enjoy connecting the patterns. The first stage is so easy I think my grandma who can barely see, would win. Haha! But on the serious note, that is all there is to it.

This game did not get interesting after that. I really don’t give a hoot about changing appearance and/or changing voice after a defeated character, nor was it attracting when you change the block attack.

There might be players who enjoy this game and think it is fun, I am of an open mind and respect their opinion, but in the puzzle game genre I prefer Puzzle Fighter from Capcom.

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