
About PSP Video Converting Software

Apart from playing games on my PSP I do enjoy watching videos on my PSP once in a while. Just some anime episodes or some funny clips will be good to play around my friends and have a laugh. Where do I get videos to watch? You may be asking? Well they are really all over the place. But I will have to say that has really a large library of videos and so that is really where I usually download most the ones I watch.

For those who might not know and have custom firmware installed in their PSP, there is a homebrew application called PSP Tube. Which is really great for downloading videos from YouTube and other video sites. All you need after you install this application is a good memory stick that will hold the space needed for the downloads and an internet connection via Wi-fi.

If you do not have a PSP with custom firmware then your best option is to convert the videos so the PSP will be able to play them. PSP only plays MP4s and I think WMA files, (there might be others I do not know just yet) but MP4s are best. I downloaded this software called "PSP Video 9" it is absolutely free software. You can click on the link and download it. It is easy to use and I recommend it to all. So have fun watching your favorite video on your PSP.

1 comment:

  1. omg "PSP Video 9" is great software, thx a lot my friend. I will dowloads it now!! ,after dowloads it i think i have idea to use PSP Download a new games to play in that time.
