
Rock Band Unplugged For PSP: Playing Some Of My Favorite Songs (Videos)

All the songs are at medium level. Hard, and expert level are still difficult for me. I choose medium cause I decrease the mistake level and the song sound does not break much. Yea... I know some might think I should speed up things a little and play the harder levels as some are really good playing the harder levels. I am still kinda new at this game and know that I suck playing compared to some hardcore players. But anyway, here are some of my favorite Rock Band Unplugged tunes...

Everlong from the Foo Fighters... Now this is my favorite band of all time... I love everlong and so I wanted to perform good here. I really got lucky.. I hit all phrases and got 100% on solos... rock on!!!

Alive from Pear Jam... Here I did really good hiting all the phrases, but I really messed up on much doing the solo at the end. Its long and kinda hard... I guess I need more practice to get 100%. I will play it more cause I just love this song!!

Today by the Smashing Pumpkins... I love this song! and here is somewhat easy to get 100% on all phrases.

Chop Suey by System Of A Down... Even on medium level it is hard. But, great song by the very talented Serge!

Mr. Brightside by The Killers... I guess I heard it much on the radio, maybe that is why I came to like it much. Now I love this song! I almost got 100%... Maybe next time...

Well, that is all for now! I like almost all songs in Rock Band Unplugged, but can not do a video of them all, because it would be too repetive. If you havent already I also recorded me playing Float On by Modest Mouse on my Rock Band Review page here! Thank you all for the visits and till next time, have a good day, and please comment if you wish! :D

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