Is it all about the money for Sony? I mean now with new accessory line up, that is really extra expense when Sony could have engineered the PSP Go to use some of the same accessories of the regular PSP. USB cable for example. It is one of the main accessory I use, I know it comes in the PSP package (hopefully), but to buy in replacement is just another expense, and with the economy just being the way it is right now, every dollar counts.
I wish Sony would consider dropping the price a little, but just a little to be fair. I know the development cost for a new handheld must be huge for Sony. I agree with someone I heard say that If Sony wants to really do some damage to the DS sales, PSP Go at little under $200 would do the trick. What do you guys think?
Personally for me, I am thinking to getting a PSP Go as soon possible, but I guess I will wait sometime until the price drops which I think it will, eventually happen maybe by beginning next year (2010)
I know for a facked that the pirce will not drop till 2/12 because thats when the even better psp comes out and when nintendo show the wold some 5x better than the wii i'm not going to tell you much but i will tell you this i'll have a better blueray than the ps3