
How to Convert Videos to .MP4 for PSP

When converting video files for Sony Playstation Portable (PSP), the best format to use would be an MP4 format. The type of software that is needed to convert the files into MP4 is the “im TOO PSP Video Converter” (Google Search). This sort of software can convert many files into different formats for the PSP.This software is also free for the user to download and use.

The first thing that people would want to do when converting a file to MP4 is they will want to open up the software and add the files that they would want to convert into MP4.They will then want to choose a file that has the capacity of their memory stick. They will then want to set the destination to where they will want the files to end up at.

After they have set the destination they will then want to encode it so that way the files can be added to their memory stick. After the files are transferred to the memory stick, the person will then want to transfer the files to their PSP.

They will first want to connect their PSP to their computer. They will want to use a USB cable and make sure that it is securely in, so it won’t come unplugged. Then wait for the computer to recognize the object, after it is done recognizing it. The person will then want to go into tools and go to the play station portable video manager.

Where the person last saved their files, it should be on the left, but if it is not on the left of their screen they can always browse their computer to locate the folder. Now that they have the files that they want to transfer to their PSP they will then be able to copy the files. The user can now see that the files have been transferred to their play station portable.

Everyone who has a PSP wants to be able to put different audio or video on it, with this software the user will be able to have those files at their finger tips in no time.


  1. There's other software choices for video conversion. For instance, I recommend the opensource application Handbrake. It does the job pretty well provided you set the right parameters (for PSP, exact width and height in pixels, etc). Video quality is excelent and filesizes small.

  2. Thank you for sharing such relevant topic with us. I really love all the great stuff you provide. Thanks again and keep it coming.

  3. Above your article i follow to convert my .MP4 files to .PSP files. Most of the people use video converter. Its save my time and efforts.
