
Four Ways to Game for Less

It’s always irritating when a great new video game comes out and you don’t have enough money to buy it. If this happens, you then have to spend the next few months avoiding spoilers like the plague and feeling bad whenever somebody asks you whether you’ve played it. However, there’s no need to abandon all hope of playing said game until it’s in the bargain bin; there are (legal) ways to you can game for less. For example:
  • Rental
Contrary to popular belief, video game rental is still alive and well. As well as shops such as Blockbuster, online companies like LoveFilm offer postal - and even instant - video game rental. A lot cheaper than buying games when they come out, you could theoretically have several brand new titles at your disposal for a fraction of the cost (just make sure you have time to play them all!).
  • Old games
Just because they’re old certainly does not mean they’re bad; there are loads of amazing old video games out there that have either become freeware or are incredibly cheap. Indeed, there are some sites (such as Good Old Games) that offer these exclusively. This doesn’t necessarily have to mean really old games, either. Thanks to the inherently fleeting nature of the video gaming industry, the price of games that are only a few months old can often plummet by a surprising amount.
  • Sales
Although you may not expect it, special deals are often offered on new games. Whether it’s some kind of pre order offer or a particular retailer offering a game for a much lower price (it can and does happen), it pays to keep your eyes peeled. Additionally, if you can bide your time (or have to due to lack of funds), it’s highly likely the game you want will end up in a sale at some point anyway.
  • Borrowing
This may not have crossed your mind in your cash-strappedness, but did you ever think of just asking to borrow a game or two from a friend? Assuming you’re the trustworthy sort, no one should be able to begrudge you this humble request. As well as meaning you don’t have to buy the game yourself, it also means you effectively get it for free (until you have to give it back, of course). Just be sure you return the game - and indeed anything you borrow - in the condition you received it in.
Daniel Cole, a frequent visitor of, has been gaming on a budget for years; he likes to think of himself as living proof that it’s possible.

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