
Website Review for Burfnerfrepeat

This site definitely appeals to the average gamer because of its simple and effective layout. Burfnerfrepeat is clean with a flawless look that anyone without any technical background would definitely appreciate. The layout is also comfortable, well done and self explanatory. Quick options at the top right of the page, lets you create an account/login, find out the latest gaming news, grants you access to podcasts and learn all about the page.

You are in good hands if you are able to find everything on a website and Burfnerfrepeat does just that. The three line menu icon or the hamburger menu icon opens up a side menu with a selection of options to choose from (Home, news, Xbox, Ps4, PC, switch, features, reviews, videos) and it contributes to give it a clean minimalist look.

The features section helps the website visitors sort news based on newest, most viewed or commented on, titles, or based on the publication date. Also, the designs look professionally done with a font that is easy to read and understand.

Articles seem to give very detailed and candid reviews on the everything a gamer would want to know. Contents are backed up with clear and attractive images with colors that go nicely together. Pages also seem to be free from bugs as they load rather quickly. Video additions also go a long way and this site does not disappoint in this case, there are a few of them where it seems necessary. Another good point for attracting and keeping viewers/visitors.

The next section is based on deals for dedicated players, latest guides, latest news, and finally latest reviews. Each having a number of articles and contents under them.

Final Note:

It is easy to navigate this site because a number of the links are adequately placed and this is very handy and essential for all good sites. It is a good idea having a highlights section right on top of the screen because it grants readers access to all of the important information easily. The only thing with the front page is that it doesn't have a title and although the logo does its work and navigates visitors back to the homepage; the top of the page has a literal empty look. The logo can be enlarged and moved a bit to the center of the page or 'Burfnerfrepeat' can be placed there.

The color scheme of this site is also good and the way the contents flow is encouraging, keeping all of the information in its appropriate place. The about page is also written in a style that just makes you want to know more.

The consistency of the design is kept throughout all of the pages which is another job well done! The load time of the page is quite fast, even with the moving link buttons. There are no typos or broken links, but very well written information.

Overall a great site with not only just great designs but excellent content.

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