
PlayStation Plus April Monthly Games: Immortals of Aveum, Minecraft Legends, Skul − Reviews & Playthroughs

April Action: PlayStation Plus's New Monthly Games

* PlayStation Plus's April Monthly Games lineup includes Immortals of Aveum, Minecraft Legends, and Skul: The Hero Slayer * From Tuesday, April 2 until Monday, May 6, PlayStation Plus members can play these games * Different games add variety to the gaming experience for PlayStation Plus members

Unleashing Magic: Immortals of Aveum Unlocks for PlayStation Plus

Breaking the April calm with a touch of magic, Immortals of Aveum appears first on the PlayStation Plus Monthly Games list.

Mining Adventures: Minecraft Legends Joins the PlayStation Plus Lineup

Get your pickaxes ready! Minecraft Legends makes a monumental entry into the PlayStation Plus Monthly Games catalog.

Demon Delights: Skul: The Hero Slayer Rounds Out PlayStation Plus's April Lineup

With a cape flapping in the April wind, Skul: The Hero Slayer wraps up this month's PlayStation Plus game grants.

Final Conclusion

The PlayStation Plus April Monthly Games lineup is all about the thrill, featuring exciting titles like Immortals of Aveum, Minecraft Legends, and Skul: The Hero Slayer. PS Plus members, you're in for a gaming feast from Tuesday, April 2 until Monday, May 6. So, thrill-seekers, which of these games are you most excited to play this April? How do you think these games will spice up your spring gaming season? Adventure awaits this April! Original:

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