
Fantasy Frenzy: Cloudhead's Epic Pistol Whip Collection Expansion

Firing Up Fantasy: Cloudhead Expands Pistol Whip with New Collection

* Reflecting on last summer, Pistol Whip added five new fast-paced Scenes, including one named Majesty with soaring castle towers, intriguing trebuchet battles, and fiery dragons * The team at Cloudhead is set to expand on the Majesty scene, creating an entire Collection inspired by it * The upcoming Collection promises to bring epic fantasy elements to the adrenaline-packed game

Flashback to Majesty: Unearthing Pistol Whip's Towering Scene

Let's rewind to the thrilling Majesty Scene from last summer, when Pistol Whip introduced a world of dragons and devastating trebuchets.

Majesty Multiplied: Crafting a Whole Collection

Struck by the awesomeness of the Majesty Scene, the wizards at Cloudhead are set to concoct an entire Collection inspired by its fantasy-filled elements.

Bullets and Beasties: Fantasy Meets Action in Pistol Whip

Don your virtual reality goggles and get ready for a wild ride as Pistol Whip mingles fiery fantasy with bullet-dodging action!

Final Conclusion

Cloudhead is turning up the heat on Pistol Whip with the expansion of the captivating Majesty scene into a full-blown Collection, promising players an extraordinary virtual reality experience packed with high-intensity fantasy elements. Slayers of trebuchets and tamers of dragons, how excited are you for the upcoming Majesty-inspired Collection in Pistol Whip? Are you ready to take a deep dive into a bullet-riddled fantasy world? Ready, aim, whip – let the fantasy fervor begin! Original:

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