Sony Europe is said to be targeting the younger crowd now. Is it really the first time Sony has tried to reach kids now? I wonder, and if so, then those PSP shaped candies a while back did not turn out so great. Oh-o :o
How are they targeting children you may ask? The launch of the new site pspinyourhands.com should give you an idea. Well, in short, it is a site in where you can you can register, share your pictures and then displays them in a 3d environment (very cool actually). Of course you can share with other members. There other types of activities too.
pspinyourhands.com looks and sounds to me like a little social network site, with a PSP brand. If you visit the site, then you will see the beta phase logo at the top left corner, which probably means that this could very well flop at some point. And in my opinion I think it doesn't matter if they really succeed with this site or not. I am really not for the idea of PSP targeting little kids, I mean that is what the DSi is for, right? Maybe I am being a little selfish, and I know the PSP market will grow even more in the next coming months, now with the PSP Go on its way this year even without pspinyourhands.com site :z
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