Getting 309,400 Experience Points On SOSE On PSP

You can do this once you are on "Energy Nede" after getting the Psynard. Then you will be off to clear the four fields of test. Right below the center of the map there is a floating island called the "field of love". I suggest you have leveled up a bit, before going there, because there are some really hard monsters in there, especially those mages that disappear when moving. Those are really hard to kill. but while on that field you will sometimes encounter those jello looking things with some type of sphere in the center. Its good you come across these monsters often because they do give much experience when you kill em.

Before you go into battle with these monsters though, you will need an experience card.You can create one using the art item creation with magic canvas. That is what I did, so, then after you can replicate it using a magical camera or ririca(best of the two) and magical films. It is best when you have a character that has level up the replication skill.

O.k. once in battle, make sure your characters are set not to attack the enemy. especially not with magic. (take note that you will need someone in your party who is able to use symbology). You can use anyone in your party to do physical attacks, and most likely they won't do much damage to the jello looking monsters. You will see they start to duplicate themselves. not to worry, they do not do much damage either. You will want them to duplicate as much as they can. But I think there is a limit on how many times they can do this per battle. You will notice they have reach their limit on duplicating when you try to attack them, they try to duplicate themselves for a split second, but go back to normal. It's a good idea to use the experience card after that. Now you will need someone to do magic spell, like Celine. Do thundercloud or similar magic that will damage all enemies. Just make sure all characters in your party are away from the enemies, because sometimes the jello looking monsters explode after they receive magic attack,and lots of poison bubbles generates from them. If you take more than 2 you are in trouble. (of course you want all your party members to be alive when battle is over, so they can get credit for the experience received).

Once you have killed all the monsters you will receive 309,400 experience points(154,700 if you do not use the experience card). It's is the most I have ever received in just one battle. You can do this over again and level up fast, and get lots Skill Points(SP) too.

Night Club Experience On The PSP

Lights out!! Let the PSP give you the night club experience! hahaha! The video shows a nicely customized PSP with sound mod. Really cool to look at, and just playing favorite mp3s. Where can I find someone locally who would be able to install this feature on my PSP?

I do believe it might be a little expensive to have this done. And I am also assuming this little extra feature is quite a super battery consumer. (0_O) What do you guys think?

Ultimate PSPTube V1.8 PSP Homebrew Application

I think PSPtube is one of the greatest when it comes to PSP homebrew applications. Especially it is great for those of us who spend hours and hours on Having my own youtube channel has come in handy too. That way I can show everybody my uploaded videos, even when I am not online. See, the great features are amazing because you can save a specific video for when you are not near a Wifi unit.

When online you can watch a video while also browsing for others, and you are not limited to Youtube videos, there are really a bunch of video sites to explore. You are also able to play any video on slow motion, or fast forward.

On the video below I show how the basics of how PSPtube works. I just did a simple search. I typed in: "kof" which stands for "King of Fighters". Once the results are shown on the screen, I highlighted the one I was interested in, you can watch it without saving, but I prefer sometimes saving, and then watching it in its entirety. I pressed "O" to get the menu at right corner and then choose save, then enter once, so you can choose to rename the video, then enter again to start saving, then progress bar will fill up. Once the video is saved you can watch it on your favorites page.

There are older versions of PSPTube, but as of today this is the latest, for all PSPs with Custom Firmware (CFW)

Download this application here!(dead link) (6 MB) Mind again you need CFW to make it work, otherwise it will just come up as "corrupt data" on the screen when you try to access it. All you need to do is just put the folder named: "Ultimate PSPtube" on your "Game150" folder that is inside the PSP folder. Enjoy! Feedback is welcome! ^.^

Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus Coming Soon To PSP

What I have always liked about the Guilty Gear series is the ability to do great combos. Its a fast engine and one must be very quick using the fingers to perform cool combos. Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus is schedule to be release this spring, 2009.

Below you can see some of the game-play, although I am assuming nothing is really different about this game from the previous Guilty Gear series, except new character roster and new moves/combos. Will it have an adventure game like in Guilty Gear Judgment?

PSP Blood Bowl

Blood Bowl is what you get when you cross nasty barbaric gore monsters and football. They looked like they have the right equipment on! especially those spiked armors hehehe! really up to do some pain, and even the ball is spiked. This looks fun! and definitely one of the games I will be looking forward to. Humans, Orcs, Dwarves and Elves are the four races to choose from. It is to be release on 2nd quarter, 2009. Published by ???(do not know at the moment), and developed by Cyanide. What do you guys think?

Are You Ready For "PSP 2"?

This is just a rumor though. I have found several sources that state that Sony might just be in the works of a new PSP: PSP 2. Even though Sony will deny it, just like when they denied working on a PSP 3000 series. Remember? It is just to cause a big commotion, suspense, or something.

It makes sense that Sony would name the next generation of the best gaming portable "PSP 2". much like in the family of home console game Playstation, PS2, and the recent PS3. I wonder if it is too soon though. Might this project have started already? I think it might, but we here in the US and Japan won't be able to see this soon, in fact maybe a couple of years from now. And the reason for me to think this way is because, hey they just launched the PSP 3000 series. How much more portable gaming can people get?

It is said that the great features of the PSP 2 is going to be much like Apple's Ipod tuch. Yea, talking about touchscreen technology. It would definately be nice. But like I said this is just a rumor. I would personally would want to belive that Sony, instead of coming up with a brand new handheld, would just concentrate on making the PSP better, like they have been doing so far. What do you guys think?

Below are some more concept designs people(no association with Sony) have come up for the look of the PSP 2. Do any of these catch your eye?

Get more info on this topic at ING here!

PSP Japan: Oooh The Colors... The Colors...

It seems Sony will be releasing new colors for the PSP. Set to be on their way the 5th of March, 2009. The price: same as any PSP, People would not expect to pay more on these units just because they come in "Carnival Colors": Florescent blue, radiant red, bright yellow, and spirited green. Ouch! my eyes!!! nice to look at even when the PSP is off! hahaha!

On the serious note though, I am glad this does not affect North America, really. I just love my black PSP; not interested in any other color. My opinion only, but seems like Sony Japan went a little too fruity with this decision. Will it work though?, I mean, it is just a way for them to boost up sales, right? Will the Japanese audience be attracted to buy a PSP with these colors? What do you guys think?

PSPaint Homebrew Application For PSP

V3 means its the third version of PSPaint homebrew application. Logically it is designed to draw and save files; for those who are artsy and like to draw digitally

Below on the video,I show you how it works a little...

DJ Max Black Square (Patched) Gameplay

Much of the Korean music game with new music tracks, but some of the music from Clazziquai are carried over to this one.

Language to choose from is Korean, Japanese or English. The basic game here is called Club Tour, then there are others which I think are just extras: Arcade Game, Network Battle(for multi-players). Three levels of dificulty to choose from: easy, normal, and hard.

There are music videos on Album which you will unlock and keep adding as you advance with the main game. One of the most great openings I have seen on a video game: that girl on the cover looks just so real and cool...

For the most part, I find this game hard even on the normal mode, so I choose an easy song, I havent tried easy mode yet, but will need to when some of the sequence of button pressing are just insanely fast. believe me, there are lots of them.

Boombastic Gameplay

Boombastic is just like bomberman, but tanks instead of chibi characters. its fun and the files super small for easy download. What do you guys think?

InsanerZshooter Gameplay Review PSP Homebrew Game

Many games like this on homebrew I guess, but its fun, and what I like about these types of games is the fact that these are really small files, so download is a breeze even if you do not have a fast computer.

Well, P is for Power Up, but its not limitless, then S is for speed. Movement is all four way. One life opportunity here. The enemies that move around in circles are the ones to watch out for. They always get me.

Credits go to: Marcio F. David and Marcelo Baccelli

Rock Station PSP Homebrew Game

Here is me playing the game, I like it a lot, though I do not have any musical talent, hahaha! You can practice your drum skills and your guitar skills and with mp3s downloaded to your PSP, you can play it and add your drum touch to it.

Here on the video below, you can see I played this old tune from one of my favorite anime of all time. Vampire Princess Miyu, the name of the song is "Himiko:The Psychic Medium" by Kenji Kawai & Kouhei Tanaka

Hokuto No Ken Raoh Gaiden Ten No Haou-Fist Of The North Star On PSP

Hokuto No Ken Raoh Gaiden Ten No Haou (Fist Of The North Star) is based on the anime. and packs quite a punch. It is of course a fighting game and that has recently been released in Japan only. You can also play this I think even if you do not know any japanese (like me). Your mission is to kick anyone's butt anyway. hehe! So yea, I just wish they would announce this title was coming to North America. Yea! I did see the first movie: Fist Of The North Star. I never saw the now earlier anime series, but its really a classic. I love it til this very day.

There are 13 characters in all, some that look very puny compared with some big with much muscles they look like they are about to explode, haha! Watching the video below,I can see the characters are cell shaded, kinda like Dragon Ball Z titles, that makes it cool, but the background seems a little dull when not cell shaded also. and combos are awesome, and super special moves with the effects, hell yea!

Far East Of Eden: Kabuki Klash On PSP

Far East Of Eden: Kabuki Klash is here for the PSP. To be able to play it on the PSP, first off custom firmware has to be installed, I think we all know that by now. Then, we need the mvspsp which is the NEO GEO emulator. and finally need the Far East Of Eden Kabuki Klash ROM. That is all.

I play this game here on the video below, but not quite familiar with characters and have no clue about the series of RPG behind this title. Just found out about it recently.

Class Of Heroes PSP Preview

New RPG for PSP people: Class of Heroes! This promises lots of fun with lots of customization: Over 500 Character possibilities, 10 races, 2 genders, and more...

Published by Atlus, developed by Zero Vid. Scheduled to be released April 7, 2009. Can't hardly wait... Watch the trailer below and let me know what you think?

Star Ocean: Second Evolution

Nice RPG game. If you had to buy one RPG game this whole 1st quarter 2009, this has got to be it. I can recommend it more enough; It is really that good. Yea, for me it is not the first time I played this game. Make no mistake this is not a new game, if fact quite old. It came out for PSone a long time ago, when the craze for PS2 had just started.

I bought the original and man does this brings many memories, and to tell you the truth I was so exited to play it again. I quite forgot the tricks I knew, because it has been a long time since I last played it, but I guess that makes it good and exiting to play once more.

The big noticeable things to remember here is Star Ocean Second Evolution for PSP is that we see here excellent cut scenes not seen on the PSone version which was called Star Ocean: Second Story. Also another feature I like is the voice acting. Yea, I just love hearing them voices as opposed to just reading the captions on the game. The voices on battle were there on PSone too, but quite different. Cloude sounds younger here! I think I liked his old voice from before, and I wish that would have been kept the same.

At the very beginning you are to choose from a character(Rena the girl or Clude the boy) and see the story in their specific point of view. You will see this game has different endings depending on your course of the story which you can alter a little. The battle system is one of the best when it comes to RPG battle. Its real time as opposed to just taking turns on attacking (the video below shows this). There are quite a some powerful guys you are able to recruit. Ones that use physical specialty attacks and others that use symbology (magic) attacks. overall you can have a maximum of 4 when it comes to doing battle. The item creation is really entertaining fun. I just love this game from beginning to end.

PSP VS iPod Touch 2

Nice explanation of the two devices on the video. This is part 2 of 2 of phonedog video at Youtube. Clearly the upper gaming device here is the PSP right? (Not just gaming: PSP can also play videos{mp4}, and with PSPtube application, and Wi-fi connection to internet; You can also view, search, and save Youtube videos. Not to mention it can also play mp3s, you can store computer files just like a regular memory stick. Store, view pictures, and there is a ton of other features that I will get tired just explaining here).

If you have about $200 and you were to buy a portable gaming device? which one would you choose: PSP or iPod Touch?

Dragonball Evolution PSP Game And Movie Clip.

This here on the right is Bulma(Emmy Rossum) on the new up coming movie: Dragonball Evolution by Bandai Namco and 20th Century Fox. I could not picture her like that in real life, she looks a little Lara Croftish here. When in reality she is a gadget expert. Well, I will look forward the movie coming this spring 2009 just because I have always been a DBZ fan hehe! ^.^ 04-05-2009 to be exact.

Here below are some screen shots for the PSP game. It looks like movements from past DBZ games just with characters from the movie. And right below is the movie trailer. What do you guys think?

Gitaroo Man PSP Gameplay

Well, never played the game here, but after watching the video below kinda makes me want to. It seems simple enough at first, but I can see some hard button combination that might just be overwhelming. (0_o) Guitaroo Man is a music game released in late 2007. Kinda reminds me of the dog called Parappa the rapper. Well, not the same but in the same genre.

This one looks much nicer and the guitar solos are just great. Nice music game for those who enjoy music games.

Def Jam Fight For NY The Takeover PSP Gameplay

Def Jam Fight For New York, The Takeover for the PSP is great fighting game. I did not have the chance to play it till just recently. I did however remember renting other Def Jam titles for my PS2 at the local video store a couple of years ago.

What I like about this game is that just pressing the buttons continually is not good enough to win fights(although at the very beginning you could, because the opponents you face and their level are not at all high). Timing each and every attack has some importance if you want to come out victorious without scratch. The graphics are excellent and the finishers make cool. Yea, the slow motion right before the last blow to the opponent is got to be the best feature of Def Jam.

The video above shows me playing. That is the third guy I fight. I am new to this game on the PSP, but have some time playing it on my PS2.

Resistance Retribution Demo PSP Gameplay

Resistance Retribution for the PSP fall in the same category of Syphon Filter and yes, those are the same developers for what I hear. Real action tactics war game, it is entertaining and you will be amazed at the graphics and cut scenes. I do believe its living up to its name and quite a good overall first person shooter. I do enjoy an occasional game of this type, but not loosing sleep over it. I guess maybe because I consider myself more of an RPG gamer, than anything else.

The controls were a little hard to get used to at first for me because the main buttons here x, o, square, and triangle are just used for view options, and "R" button is to shoot. But no big deal, I know anyone can get used to them quickly.

A great feature of this game is the variety of weapons you can choose right from the start. Your health can be easily recovered after fighting some monsters or flying gadgets that shoot you. Of course you will need the right weapon to kill the right creature you are fighting so the killing spree runs smoothly and quick.

Here is me finishing the chapter 1 of the game. Fighting the final boss can be a little hard, but you will be o.k. if you just take cover and hit the machine right where it hurts. The video below shows this! See that round thing on top of it; that is his weak point. All I needed to do was to get some clean hits with a bazooka right there and BOOM! It goes down. haha!

PSP 3000: First Homebrew Games

First off, this is an exploit, not actually CFW just yet, but getting close. The first one is called "Gripshift Pong". You actually need the UMD version of "Gripshift", and also run the Hello World Sparta SDK exploit from FreePlay and MaTiAz for it to work on your PSP 3000. A little more explanation and example on the video below.

The second one is called "Bomberman Gripshift V1". Again you need both things mentioned above to make it work on the PSP 3000 and I do believe they mentioned that could work on other PSP not version 3000.

Here is more on Gripshift Pong! (dead link)

Here is more on Bomberman Gripshift!(dead link)

To tell you the truth these two games seem like a total waste of time. they are milestones old and not the slightest bit interesting for me. But, again, I do however feel these are the first steps on getting the PSP 3000 hacked. It won't be too long till we next hear that there is CFW on the PSP 3000.

PSP Fantasy Golf Pagya Portable

Does this seem like a golf game? To me at first it did not. Without showing the actual golf course, and equipment I would have guessed it is just another role playing game. It seemed more like the characters from a role playing game also. love the intro song though and looks beautiful with the high tech graphics.

One of the big things that was attractive for me playing "minna no golf", everybody's golf in English was the little victory dance after getting a good score on the golf course. It actually is a very nice feature and would not feel any enjoyable without it. I see it here too and it cute when girls dance, hehe!

I just stumbled onto this video below and if the information on the youtube page is correct this Fantasy Golf Pagya Portable for the PSP is on its way to Japan on April 2009. It is developed by Ntreev Soft and Published by Takara Tomy. No word if this will come to North America. But we'll see...

DJ Max Fever For PSP

DJ Max Fever (Buy it From Amazon Here!)For PSP will soon be released at the U.S. thus the world since It is usually North America the last one in getting the games. DJ Max Fever will be one huge release from Pentavision (Developers) and Published by PM Studios.

We'll keep the same logic here as of how to play if you had the chance to get your hands on previous DJ Max titles before: Just press the buttons accordingly, timing and quick reaction time are of essence to be good with this game. There are 5 levels of difficulty. Watch out of high difficulty because it can be quite hard and overwhelming to press the buttons very quickly in sequence.

There is Network Battle Mode, I believe for Multi-player play, and as you play the main mode you will be able to unlock soundtracks, videos, and more stuff. Features great and over 100 songs of original music artists, video visuals make it neat. This game is due to be released by the end of January, 2009. Hope it lives up to our expectations.

As for the Box art cover... I did research over the internet, and came up with the above picture... Will this art box cover be used or....

This one? We'll see soon enough...

Well, here's me playing the game a little after the release. I do not try the hard songs yet cause I will lose. So in this case I had to try the easiest song on the game haha :D What do you guys think?

.hack On The PSP Coming Soon!

 .hack coming to the PSP. After many years being hosted on the PS2. Namco Bandai has decided to let .hack get some portability. We'll see how this will turn out. My personal experience with .hack has been very short. Quite a few years ago, when there was still no PSP, I only had my PS2 for gaming. The Fun thing for me was to go to my local video rental store, and pick up some good and sometimes not so good titles for my PS2.

So yea, about this game .hack; I do not quite remember all there was about it ( I only got to play the second one "Mutation"), but it was such a long series of games that I never got see the whole story unfold. It is said that on this you are Tokio Kuryu the main character who is a junior-high student. Basically this is set as to be the last of the series, no more .hacks to be made. unless the producers decide otherwise in the future.

If you remember playing the PS2 games of .hack then for the PSP, you should find the controllers similar to that when doing the main functions such as battle, exploring and such. The party is only limited to 2 characters. One being you of course and the other is the CPU.

The one thing that makes me exited about this game is that they say that the battle system is much enhanced from previous versions and feel almost as if you enter into a fighting game genre. (I imagine just when on battle mode of course.) I am also kinda looking forward the graphics. At this time is too early to post even a screen shot(note that the images here are not from a PSP Preview of .hack). I mean its on the works and said to be at least 50% done. So there is really not even a date set for release. I will keep my eye out for more....

.hack//Link [Japan Import]

PSP Dissidia Characters and Costumes

We see here on this video all the characters from PSP's Dissidia Final Fantasy, which is one of the big releases coming as of 1st quarter 2009 to North America. All the costumes, and different looks. Cloud is my favorite, which one is your favorite?

Pacman World 3 On PSP

Pacman World 3 on PSP, not my type of game, I know it is from Namco, the same company that brings excellent games like Tekken series (in the fighting genre).

I find this game to be one of the bunch, common, ordinary with nothing really that would satisfy my hunger for adventure. I mean he is just a frigging yellow ball with face features, arms and legs, too much of a kiddie game. It used to be that pacman was just a yellow circle eating all the small dots, right, when now he can eat, jump, attack punch, bounce, run, and more on this game. not sure if that was a good idea for the producers. pacman should have been kept simple in my opinion. I enjoy playing pacman the original with just plain 2d graphics. sorry! I sound like I hate Pacman World 3, but I actually just found it a waste of time. Anyone thinking of buying this game? well, don't buy it. It is not worth the money!

See my video here below? this is as far as I got, and doubt I will keep on playing even the first level.

The PSP 3000 is hacked!

"The PSP 3000 is finally hacked" That is what we are all waiting to hear across the globe on the web. for so we can finally run homebrew on our new PSPs 3000. Unfortunately, it is not done just yet; its unhackable for now. I think we might need to wait a little longer till someone finally figures out how this is done.

What happens when you try to hack the PSP 3000 with a Pandora battery.....nothing.....(see first video).

Do not be scammed: There might be people who are to trying to sell you the one Pandora battery that can hack the PSP 3000, but do not believe them (see second video) I will update this info when I get the legit way on how to safely hack the new PSP 3000.

Check Out These New Themes

Customizing your XMB. Installing high tech themes adds to your PSP Character and makes it different from the other PSP from your friends. This video shows how. Looks great and quite easy to install.

PSP VS iPod Touch

For gaming, the one and only PSP is best, I have doubts about iPod being a good gaming device, since it started as an mp3 player at the beginning.

Just think of the variety of games PSP has! It is quite a library, and we are not yet talking about the hacks and how anyone can install homebrew on their PSP and emulate some of the greatest systems of the past. With downloadable roms, now you have a huge, I mean HUGE selections of games. Never will you be able to say that about iPod touch.

I don't hate iPods, I mean they are quite very nice and technology wise, one of the top products. No wonder their success and popularity. The one thing I will say about Ipod touch that has the lead over our great PSPs is portability. Of course I talk about how small the Ipod touch is compared to PSP.

Well, the fact that PSP is bigger in size makes the screen somewhat good for my eyes, any smaller screen would make me cross eyed playing any type of games. That is the one reason I do not even play games on cellphones. Well, it's that and also the fact that the cellphone games are simple (not challenging), low graphic engined, and just for non-gaming people like me.

"Open me first please, which means we'll open that later" lol
nice video btw. PSP 3000 Vs iPod Touch? What do you think?

2009 1st Quarter Most Wanted PSP Games

Starting the new year 2009 right, for PSP players some new games are due to be in electronic, gaming stores, and its time to get exited about the new releases for coming '09 1st quarter games to be in store shelves all around the U.S.A. These are my most wanted at this moment. There are more games that I could not mention here, but I just want to keep this a short list of top 12. Some of the games here are schedule to be release as short one month, which ones are you interested on? please leave comment. ^.^

From left to right, top to bottom:

1. Prinny: Can I really Be The Hero? (RPG)
2. Mana Khemia (RPG)
3. Samurai Showdown Anthology (Fighting)
4. Resistance Retribution (Action/Tactics)
5. Hammerin' Hero (Action/Adventures)
6. Brave: A Warrior's Tale (Action/Adventures)
7. Major League Baseball 2k9 (Sports)
8. Phantasy Star Portable (RPG)
9. DT Carnage (Driving Sim)
10. Dissidia Final Fantasy (Fighting)
11. Martial Arts: Capoeira (Fighting)
12. LocoRoco 2 (Adventures/Puzzle)